Sherwood Community Services
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Phone Number(s)
(425) 334-4071
Address Line 1
402 91st Avenue NE
Lake Stevens
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Sherwood supports high school students and adults with disabilities who are interested in seeking employment and support them every step of the way during the hiring process. Sherwood strives not only to place people in jobs, but to ensure they are in jobs they love. Sherwood believes that every individual with a disability should have an opportunity for meaningful employment that uses their abilities to the highest level and offers a competitive wage. A job leads to increased economic independence, community integration and greater self-worth. Sherwood assists with the job search, seek employers, assess and train adults, and provide support for a smooth transition into the workplace. Employment specialists first assess the individual’s abilities, career goals and interests and then work with employers to find a successful fit for their unique abilities and skill-set. Sherwood’s employment specialists provide ongoing coaching to the employee and employer to ensure long-term success. The ultimate goal would be for an individual to be independent in the work place, but Sherwood has the ability to provide assistance as needed.

Sherwood provides therapy and education for infants and toddlers (birth to age three) who have developmental disabilities or are diagnosed with a medical condition known to place a child at risk for delays. The ultimate goal is to provide supports to help the child reach their developmental milestones.


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