Clinical and Forensic Psychology

Clinical and Forensic Psychology
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What therapies/services do you provide?
What age group do you serve?
Adults, adolescents, and couples
Website Address
Phone Number(s)
(253) 984-7686
Address Line 1
3819 100th Street S.W., Suite 6B
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Contact Name
Cheryl Weiss

We provide psychotherapy and counseling to adults, adolescents, and couples and maintain a 24/7/365 crisis line for our clients. A sub-specialty is in services to developmentally disabled persons.

We provide forensic psychological evaluations of persons who are alleged to have committed crimes and about whom there may be questions pertaining to competency, criminal responsibility, and/or mitigation. Capacity determination and declination issues are examined for the juvenile client.

Within the arena of civil litigation, we provide evaluations of persons alleging psychological injury (i.e., Rule 35 evaluations) as a result of employment discrimination, sexual harassment, and hostile workplace. Evaluations in the service of child custody/visitation disputes are provided, especially in cases in which abuse or neglect is alleged. Parental fitness assessments are done at the behest of the Division of Children and Family Services.

We conduct dangerousness assessments of persons facing civil commitment under RCW 71.05 and RCW 71.09; persons seeking the SSODA or SSOSA sentencing options; and safety-to-be-at-large assessments following arrest. Various forms of sex offender treatment are also provided (i.e., behavioral counter-conditioning methodologies, group and individual therapy).

Disability assessments (SSI/SSDI, GA-U/GA-X) are conducted of persons whose psychological condition is believed to preclude their presence in the workforce.


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