Medicine Naturally – Dr. Monica German, MD, Chom

Medicine Naturally – Dr. Monica German, MD, Chom
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The mission of Medicine Naturally is to bring the best of alternative and western medicine under the same roof in order to meet the unique health needs of each child or adult, providing personalized solutions that lead to empowered and sustainable health.

Using the streamlined ‘micro-practice’ model, Medicine Naturally is a patient centered medical practice founded on core values of kindness, accessibility, mindfulness and a high quality approach to care.

What do we offer?

We specialize in natural treatments that are highly effective and safe to use in combination with other therapies.
We seek the most efficient and gentle modality to meet your individual needs, to strengthen your immune system and enhance your body’s own self healing abilities.
We strive to address the root cause of your disease, for attaining lasting changes in your health. With persistence and dedication, true health and vitality can be cultivated and maintained.


Services provided include:

Well checkups, preventive care, for pediatric patients starting from newborns to 21 year olds
Acute sick visits for pediatric patients; same day appointments available
Lifestyle and nutritional counseling
Mind – body medicine and stress reduction
Consultations for children and adults for:

Recurrent ear infections, colds, throat & sinus infections, fevers
Eczema, allergies, hay fever
Respiratory: bronchitis, frequent cough, asthma,
Failure to thrive, weight management
Food allergies
Gastro-intestinal disorders – colic, acid reflux, IBS, diarrhea, constipation
ADD/ADHD, Asperger, Autism Spectrum Disorders, behavioral issues
Psychological: depression, anxiety, bi-polar, stress, trauma, lack of motivation, obsession, phobias and panic attacks
Gluten intolerance/celiac disease
Endocrine: diabetes, thyroid, adrenal issues
Sleep problems, chronic fatigue
Women’s health: PMS, infertility, vaginitis, cystitis, perimenopause
Autoimmune illnesses
Neurological: MS, epilepsy, sciatica, tics, migraine
Environmental toxicity


Funding Sources
Private Pay Only, Private Insurance


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