Sensory Digest

Therapeutic services.
Sensory Digest
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Children thrive when they have a fun movement based environment with their peers and family in their yard, garage, basement and even in the living room. It's a place where they have the opportunity to be creative and have a positive mindset through multi-sensory therapy challenges. From team building activities to pushing yourself to breaking personal records on a daily basis. I help to provide a striving environment using swings, scooter boards, monkey bars, rock walls, inflatable's and much more. I believe in using quality sensory based therapy products and clothing to help make a difference for the better in your child's life. I specialize in adapting to your personal style and making it exciting for your children by teaching you favorite themes as games.
• Wilbarger Therapressure Brushing/Joint Compressions/Oral Technique Protocol/Sensory Diet Program/Personalized Protocol Schedule ~ 3 hours (In-Home or Via Skype)
• In-Home/Clinic Sensory Gym Design ~ 1 hour or more (In-Home or Via Skype if outside of Seattle area)
• Personalized Sensory Diet Home Program ~ 1 hour or more (In-Home or Via Skype)
• High Touch Jin Shin "Accupressure" Session - 1/2 hour to 1 hour (In-Home)
• Sensory Product Consult for Holiday/Birthday Presents - As needed (In-Person or Via Skype)
• Picky Eater Nutrition Consulting - 1 hr or more (Via Skype or at Grocery Store)
• Therapeutic Listening Consult ~ As needed (Via Skype)

Funding Sources
Private Pay Only


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