Sensory Tool House is a retail store and community organization specifically designed to mitigate barriers in the community. Our products and services specifically support those who are neurodivergent and/or have a disability. Products have specific calming, regulating or learning qualities. You can feel the material, try on vests, test out sensory swings, and see if the tool is right for you.
We also carry adaptive devices, adaptive technology and ergonomic equipment that can help support those with disabilities, and many others.
We have many offerings in our community room. Yoga, art, caregiver courses, story time, movement, and seasonal activities - Sensory-friendly pumpkin patch and Sensory Santa. We have a sensory room open to the public free of charge.
We provide consulting and training in the community that encourages inclusion for those who are autistic or have other neurodiversities. Teacher professional development, employing those who are neurodivergent, accommodations in the workplace, understanding sensory and how that impacts learning and more.
Employees of Sensory Tool House are autistic or have other diagnoses that often present barriers to employment.