Fidalgo Island Pediatric Occupational Therapy Services

Fidalgo Island Pediatric Occupational Therapy Services
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What therapies/services do you provide?
What age group do you serve?
Age 6 months through age 10
Phone Number(s)
(206) 794-6030
Address Line 1
1917 Commercial Avenue
State Abbreviation
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Contact Name
Carlene Nichols
What is the setting of your business?
Clinic Based

This is a pediatric occupational therapy clinic. Our clinic addresses challenges that can arise from various experiences, including autism spectrum disorder, developmental delay, fine or gross motor delay, dyspraxia, sensory processing difficulties, neurological disorders and regulatory disorders.

Funding Sources
Private Insurance, Medicaid
Current wait-list and factors to consider with the wait-list?
We currently have a wait list for after school appointments. There are some appointments available during the day on weekdays.
What type of insurance do you accept?
Private and Medicaid
Do you allow parents/caregivers to participate in or observe sessions?
Do you provide services via Telehealth?
More details
At this time, we are not set up for Telehealth, but we are considering Telehealth.


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