Bellevue Psychotherapy, PS LTD

Bellevue Psychotherapy, PS LTD
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What therapies/services do you provide?
What age group do you serve?
Full Lifespan
Phone Number(s)
Address Line 1
1400 112th Ave SE Ste 100
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Contact Name
Lori Woehler, PsyD
What is the setting of your business?
Clinic Based, Telehealth

Our practice is passionate about helping clients and their families with thorough, personalized, and standardized psychological and neuropsychological assessments that inform accurate diagnosis--particularly in complex cases, generate individualized recommendations for treatment planning, and support access to appropriate and timely evidence-based treatment when indicated. Assessments consist of comprehensive history, clinical interviews, and standardized testing. Typically, neuropsychological assessment involves comprehensive evaluation of the following functions: developmental delays, general intelligence/cognitive ability, learning, memory, attention, language, higher-level executive skills (e.g., planning, organizing, reasoning, problem solving, working memory), visual–spatial skills (e.g., perception), social and peer relationship skills, personality, adaptive skills (e.g. daily living), motor and sensory skills, mood, emotion, and behavior. The areas addressed in each individual’s evaluation are determined by the referral question (what the referring doctor and/or client wants to know), the client’s complaints and symptoms, concerns expressed by family members or teachers, or observations made during clinical interviews and test administration.

Funding Sources
Private Pay Only, Private Insurance
Current wait-list and factors to consider with the wait-list?
We schedule from one to three months in advance and maintain a short waitlist to accommodate potential openings as quickly as possible.
ALL testing, scoring, interpretation, reporting, and recommendations are performed entirely by licensed clinical psychologists.
What type of insurance do you accept?
Private Only
If "Other", please specify
We are out of network providers with all insurance plans.
Do you allow parents/caregivers to participate in or observe sessions?
Do you provide services via Telehealth?
More details
All assessment services are conducted in person in accordance with protocols for standardized assessment measures. This approach is intended to reduce/eliminate the possibility of invalidating test findings, diagnoses, and recommendations that result in barriers to access care.

Initial intake and clinical interviews may be conducted via telehealth, depending on the referral question/assessment purpose.


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