Empowering Strides

Empowering Strides
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What therapies/services do you provide?
What age group do you serve?
4 years to 30+ years.
Phone Number(s)
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Contact Name
Laura Ambrose Gorcester
What is the setting of your business?

At Empowering Strides we teach in a careful and supportive way. A trained volunteer works beside each rider throughout their lesson while a certified instructor leads all classes. We set individual goals for each rider and patiently work on skills such as communication, teamwork and fitness. And, yes, one of our goals is “just pure fun.” Every rider learns some measure of riding and horse skills, and some riders become quite accomplished.

Lessons are one hour long and consist of a rider, a few volunteers and an instructor. Each lesson will begin with time for each rider to groom their horse and learn more about how to care for these animals. About thirty minutes of each lesson will be devoted to our riding portion. During riding your child will work on valuable horsemanship skills like mounting and dismounting their horse properly, steering, trotting and halting through the use of obstacles and games. Our work goes beyond riding though. Each student will work on their communication skills, teamwork, self-evaluation, fitness, spatial awareness and much more.

Funding Sources
Private Pay Only
Current wait-list and factors to consider with the wait-list?
We do currently have a waitlist. Later evenings and Saturday times have longer waits.
Do you allow parents/caregivers to participate in or observe sessions?
Do you provide services via Telehealth?
  • Playing a game during lessons.


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