Game On Youth

Game On Youth
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What age group do you serve?
7-14 years, but we're continuing to expand as interest grows!
Website Address
Phone Number(s)
Please contact us via our website's contact form
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Contact Name
Brandi Kranich
What is the setting of your business?

Game On is a unique tabletop gaming group designed to help participants make friends while learning new board games and valuable social skills in the process.

Game On is a safe space for participants to:

Build connections with other like-minded youth
Practice conversational skills
Learn the ins and outs of good sportsmanship
Have fun in a relaxed, casual setting

Current wait-list and factors to consider with the wait-list?
Our website has a wait-list form in the event an age group or day/time doesn't work for you. When enough similar people fill out the wait-list form, they are all contacted to form a new group!
Do you allow parents/caregivers to participate in or observe sessions?
Do you provide services via Telehealth?
More details
We do have Telehealth but some of groups are virtual. Visit our website for more information!


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