Eaton Arrowsmith Academy
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Phone Number(s)
(425) 861-8327
Address Line 1
17946 NE 65th St
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Eaton Arrowsmith Academy was founded in 2005, with its first location in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Today, the academy is managed by Eaton Arrowsmith Learning Centre Ltd (EALC), which also operates all online educational programs. Additionally, EALC assists in the management of two onsite nonprofit schools: one in Vancouver, BC, known as Eaton Arrowsmith Academy Association, and the other in Redmond, Washington, also called Eaton Arrowsmith Academy.

At Eaton Arrowsmith Academy, students can work on academic programs and complete a series of cognitive exercises to help them strengthen their brains and address the weaknesses that cause their learning difficulties. Research has shown that the Arrowsmith Program improves within and between large scale brain network connectivity. This is the common neurological concern amongst a wide range of learning difficulties and not just Learning Disabilities.

At our onsite locations in Vancouver, British Columbia and Redmond, Washington our students can receive both academic and cognitive programming during our full-time program. The academic program covers Math, Language Arts and Integrated Studies (i.e., STEAM, Social Studies, Fine Arts).  

Our academies operate on the science of neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to strengthen over time with targeted training. This sets us apart from other schools or centers for individuals with learning difficulties. We don’t teach kids, teens and adults to work around their weaknesses. Instead, we help them address them. We focus on changing brain capacity. This needs to be the first line of intervention for neurodiverse individuals including those with Learning Disabilities, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Concussion or Brain Injury. It’s also an option for adults looking to improve cognitive health as they age. Indeed, cognitive enhancement can also be a focus for anyone wishing to improve their cognition.


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