Behavior Issues

Behavior Issues is a local consulting and Applied Behavior Therapy company that specializes in working with individuals with Autism and Special Needs in the Pacific Northwest. 

We are located in Federal Way, Washington and serve mainly areas South of Seattle, including the following counties; South King, Pierce, North Thurston, Kitsap, Jefferson, and Clallam.

Behavior Issues
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Website Address
Phone Number(s)
508-981-3897, 206-679-6979
Address Line 2
2313 SW 339th St
Federal Way
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Contact Name
Rick Shaw and Janice Chitty

Behavior Issues is located primarily in the Pacific Northwest.  The purpose of Behavior Issues is to address issues of concerns with challenging behaviors.  Another purpose is to inform parents, educators, professionals, and the general public about effective behavior principles, programs, methods, and resources for modifying behaviors for children and adults with special needs and challenging behaviors.

These include, but are not limited to, increasing appropriate behaviors, such as; alternative and effective methods of communication, life skills, social skills, domestic skills (such as toilet-training), vocational skills, educational academics, manners, respect, on-task behaviors, as well as many others.

These also include decreasing inappropriate behaviors, such as; self-injury, aggression, destroying property, tantrums, screaming, running away or bolting, stereotypy, as well as many others.

Funding Sources
Private Insurance, Medicaid, DDD/DSHS, CIIBS Waiver


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