Blue Water Behavioral Consulting

Blue Water Behavioral Consulting
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What therapies/services do you provide?
Phone Number(s)
State Abbreviation
Contact Name
Rachel Wagner
What is the setting of your business?
in home

In-Home Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services for ages 0-21
Skagit, Island, and Northern Snohomish County including Anacortes, Burlington, Coupeville, Mount Vernon, Oak Harbor, Sedro-Woolley, and Stanwood, and Vancouver, WA

Funding Sources
Private Insurance
Current wait-list and factors to consider with the wait-list?
yes waitlist, important factor is client availability for ABA (more availability=shorter wait time)
Do you allow parents/caregivers to participate in or observe sessions?
Do you provide services via Telehealth?
More details
Can also provide ABA at schools or community settings with prior approval


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