Boyer Children’s Clinic
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What age group do you serve?
Birth to 3
Website Address
Phone Number(s)
(206) 325-8477
Address Line 1
7821 62nd Ave. NE
Address Line 2
Suite 202
State Abbreviation
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What is the setting of your business?
Clinic Based, In-Home, Community

Since 1942, Boyer has provided Puget Sound-area children with special needs with Early Services designed to help them reach their maximum potential and improve their quality of life. In addition to helping children, we also provide valuable support services to parents that teach them to be the best advocates possible.

Boyer is the largest provider of Birth-To-Three Services in Seattle. Our highly-skilled staff include therapists, nurses, educators, a developmental pediatrician, a social worker, and family resources coordinators. Our staff are leaders in their professions, and work as a cohesive team to help ensure a seamless, coordinated and positive experience for every family.

Services include: Nurse Coordination, Medical Consultation, Therapy Programs, Educational playgroups, and Family Support Services.

What type of insurance do you accept?
If "Other", please specify
When determining the source(s) for payment of our services, your family’s eligibility for third party payments, such as medical insurance, Department of Health, Medicaid, and Division of Developmental Disabilities from the State of Washington and Part C of IDEA are thoroughly explored.


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