Christopher Henderson, Attorney at Law
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Josh Brothers

Chris Henderson brings a strong and diverse background in legal practice and academic work in disability rights, business and technology to his role as partner at Brothers & Henderson, P.S. Mr. Henderson’s practice includes preparing planning and end-of-life documents; advising beneficiaries, professional fiduciaries and attorneys regarding settlements and special needs trusts; advising individuals regarding guardianship, state and federal benefits, and special education; and representing clients in related disputes or litigation.

Prior to joining B&H, Henderson focused on academic work in disability rights, and professional work in business and technology – in particular, the use of technology to address the needs of those with disabilities. Mr. Henderson worked at a global law firm’s Seattle office, serving emerging technology businesses as a corporate associate. During this time, he served as outside general counsel to a variety of privately held businesses, regularly guiding his clients in transactions valued at tens of millions of dollars.

Elevating disability rights and disability and elder law has been a clear theme throughout Henderson’s career. While in law school, he was selected as symposium editor for the Washington Law Review. In that capacity, he worked closely with late professor and former Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Commissioner Paul Miller to bring together internationally renowned disability law scholars to study the rights of the disabled on a global scale. The symposium culminated in an edition of the Washington Law Review edited by Mr. Henderson, Framing Legal and Human Rights Strategies for Change: A Case Study of Disability Rights in Asia 83 Wash. Law. Rev. 435 (2008).

Henderson has been invited to speak on guardianship, Medicaid, elder Law, special education and estate planning issues to many groups, including other attorneys and a variety of advocacy organizations. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Western Washington chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, and is a member of the End-of-Life Washington and Full Life Care advisor groups. In 2014-2015 he served on the state Alzheimer’s Disease Working Group as the only active attorney appointed to the group by the Washington Department of Social and Health Services.

A four-time winner of the SuperLawyers Rising Star award (2014-2017), Henderson is a member of the King County Bar Association’s Guardianship and Elder Law Section where he previously served on the executive committee. He is also a member of the Washington Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, the Washington State Bar Association and its Real Property, Probate and Trust Section and Elder Law Section, and the National Academy for Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA).

Henderson was admitted to practice in the state of Washington in 2009. He received his undergraduate degree from Stanford University and his law degree from the University of Washington School of Law, where he later co-taught the disability law course.


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