Butterfly Pediatric Therapy

Butterfly Pediatric Therapy
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What therapies/services do you provide?
Phone Number(s)
Address Line 1
12835 Bel-Red Rd
Address Line 2
Suite 303
State Abbreviation
Zip Code
Contact Name
Mansi Dalal
What is the setting of your business?
Clinic Based, In-Home, Community, School, Telehealth

We provide Pediatric Occupational Therapy services with a focus on the unique needs of each child and family.  We are committed to helping children with a variety of challenges to develop everyday skills for a rewarding and meaningful life.

We provide OT services in various environments that best suit your child's needs. Your child can receive services at our clinic, at their private school or day-care, in your home, and in the community.

OT Services include:


-Individual Treatment

-Private-School/ Day-Care Observations

-Feeding Therapy

-Safe and Sound Protocol


-Integrated listening Systems

-OT/vision therapy collaboration

Funding Sources
Private Pay Only, Private Insurance
Current wait-list and factors to consider with the wait-list?
Accepting new Patients
What type of insurance do you accept?
Do you allow parents/caregivers to participate in or observe sessions?
Do you provide services via Telehealth?
More details
Yes video sessions available


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