Darcy B. Kelley, SLP

Darcy B. Kelley, SLP
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Darcy Kelley is the owner and founder of Pathways to Communication and has over twenty years of experience spanning a variety of settings. Darcy began her journey in special education and then pursued speech and language pathology. Her experience includes working in preschool, elementary and high schools, multidisciplinary centers, private multidisciplinary clinics, and private practice. Darcy taught in special needs preschool classrooms in neurodevelopmental centers, worked on curriculum development in the public school system and worked on research projects at the Experimental Education Unit at the University of Washington. These experiences have complemented Darcy's clinical SLP training and enhanced her ability to evaluate the whole child and work closely with families and teams.

Darcy holds three Awards for Continuing Education (ACE), from the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA), illustrating her commitment to continuing education. With her goal of treating the child as a whole, her continued studies and training have been vast and have included (but are not limited to) the following: PROMPT training, certification in pediatric neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT), Advanced Training in Integrated Listening Systems (iLs), speech and language disorders including dyspraxia, feeding and oral motor skills, autism and sensory processing disorders. Darcy also has continuing education in setting up life plans for persons with special needs.

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Private Insurance


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