Early Choice Pediatric Therapy

Providor of Occupation, Speech and Physical Therapy

Early Choice Pediatric Therapy
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(360) 750-5850
Address Line 2
106 9317 NE Highway 99
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Early Choice Pediatric Therapy, PLLC (ECPT) is a Vancouver, Washington-based private therapist-owned practice specializing in providing occupational, physical, and speech therapy to children birth to 18 years old.ECPT was established in November 2001 by therapists who believe “a child’s individual needs should drive the intensity of therapy services he/she receives in an environment that fosters success.” As a result ECPT opened its doors in January of 2002. The therapists employed at ECPT are highly trained specialists with multiple certifications and extensive pediatric experience. ECPT provides individual therapy services in an outpatient clinic recently relocated from downtown Vancouver to the Hazel Dell area. ECPT’s clinic was designed specifically to promote the playful potential of everyone who enters. - See more at: http://earlychoicepediatrictherapy.com/#sthash.38rhUryp.dpuf


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