Finley School District

Special education services for ages 3-21
Finley School District
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Office: 509.586.3217
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224606 E. Game Rd.
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Barb Donaldson, special ed director

The IEP (Individualized Education Plan) TeamingSpecial education teachers, school psychologists, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, teachers of the visually-impaired, teachers of students with autism, technology specialists, and parents are all members of the IEP team. These teams also include parents, students (when appropriate), general education teachers, counselors, school nurses, and administrators who work together to develop appropriate programs to meet the needs of students with disabilities.Child-find

Referrals are accepted for possible Special Education assessment and identification from a number of sources including medical, community, parents, and educational sources. Regular screenings are held for children ages 3-5 at Keewaydin Discovery Center (222-5028). Early intervention for children from birth through age 2 is provided by the Benton Franklin Children’s Center (735-1062). Each school’s IEP team processes the referrals made for that school’s students who are suspected to have a disability.

Assessment and Identification

The school psychologists lead the IEP team in the assessments of students to help determine eligibility for Special Education. These assessments may include cognitive, academic, language, motor, vision, hearing, behavioral, and health areas. The team leader summarizes the assessment information and assists the IEP team in making recommendations and sharing the information with parents and staff.

Specially Designed Instruction

Special Education teachers and other service providers provide individual programs to students who are identified as disabled and in need of a specialized educational program. The district maintains a continuum of service options; i.e., in-class, pull-out, resource support, consultation, monitor, special class, homebound tutoring, work experience, etc.

Speech and Language Therapy

The speech/language pathologists provide assessment and services for students who have difficulties with articulation skills, language disorders or delays, hearing impairment, fluency, or vocal quality. They work with other service providers and parents to develop appropriate individualized services.

Occupational and Physical Therapy

Occupational and physical therapists provide for students who are physically or orthopedically impaired and in need of services to benefit their educational program. Their services include assessment, direct therapy, and consultation. When appropriate, they assist with leisure skills and community integration activities and coordinate services with medical personnel.

Other Services

As appropriate, other services may be available for students from the teachers of the visually-impaired, educational technology specialists, school nurses, school counselors, and school psychologists. These professionals can participate as needed in the design and implementation of individualized educational services. In-service opportunities are provided throughout the school year for specialists, special education teachers, general education teachers, para-educators, parents and administrators.

Special education notices

Special education provides a variety of programs and services for disabled students. Special education teachers, a school psychologist, a speech and language pathologist, and an occupational therapist are all members of building-level multidisciplinary teams. These teams, along with regular education teachers, counselors and administrators develop appropriate programs to meet the needs of disabled students.

A Preschool Program is available at Finley Elementary School for disabled children between the ages of 3 and 5. If you know of a preschool age child in our area who may be developmentally delayed or have special needs, please contact the elementary school for more information. Monthly screenings will be scheduled for these students to determine eligibility for services.

The Finley School District provides services for disabled students between birth and 21. The district operates a Child Find Program to locate and identify disabled students. For more information, contact the building principal or the Special Services Manager at 586-3217.

Parents and community members may review, upon request, policies and procedures, evaluations, budget, and services related to the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Part B programs. If you are interested please contact the Special Services Manager at 586-3217.


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