Friendship House
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Phone Number(s)
(360) 336-6138
Address Line 1
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 517
Address Line 2
Business Office: 1002 S. Third Street
Mount Vernon
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We believe that by treating all people with respect and kindness, we can help them transform their lives into ones of self-sufficiency and abundance. To request a bed at the Men's shelter please call 360-336-2135.
To request a bed at the Women and Children's Shelter please call 360-336-2418. Friendship House Cafe: 108 Snoqualmie St. Mt. Vernon; Dinner daily 5:30-6:30 pm; all meals are "to go only" for now. Sack Lunch served 7 days a week from 11:30 am to noon on Fir Street across from Carpet One and just East of Mr. T's Restaurant.


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