Hand in Hand Behavioral Consulting LLC

Hand in Hand Behavioral Consulting LLC
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Phone Number(s)
Address Line 1
1800 Cooper Point Road SW Bldg. 21
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Contact Name
Shannon Keller

Laura Campbell 360.810.1547
Ages: 0-8 years

Shannon Keller 360.810.1546

Ages: 9 years and older


Hand in Hand provides effective, evidence-based intervention services for children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is currently the most effective, evidence-based treatment for autism. Hand in Hand realizes every client has unique strengths and challenges, from the first assessment to the development of a treatment plan; every plan is individualized to focus on the specific needs of the client in collaboration with the client's family. Hand in Hand seeks to help children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities along with their families to improve their lives in socially significant ways as well as helping their children meet their maximum potential. Contact Hand in Hand for a free 30-minute consultation to see if Hand in Hand is a good match for your child's unique needs.


Funding Sources
Private Pay Only, Private Insurance
What type of insurance do you accept?
Private Only


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