Jon Berner, MD PhD

Dr. Berner offer med management for complex neuropsychiatric syndromes including ASD.
Jon Berner, MD PhD
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18500 156th Ave NE, Suite #100
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Jon Berner is a board certified Psychiatrist in solo practice since 1997. He treats brain disorders, broadly defined, in all age groups. He typically sees patients with difficult bipolar and psychotic illnesses, complex pain, addiction, and "undiagnosed" neuropsychiatric syndromes. His practice also includes less complicated general psychiatry, including anxiety and depression.

Dr. Berner is committed to promoting new scientific developments. He has published multiple papers on new treatments. He is an active member in the Mitochondrial Research Society, the Biological Psychiatry Society, and the Washington Academy for Pain Management. He teaches Physician Assistant students periodically in his office and collaborates monthly with a local counseling service, Samaritan Counseling.

When not working at Woodinville, he takes directions from one wife, three children, four horses, and six chickens. The dog and the cat usually leave him alone.

Funding Sources
Private Insurance


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