King County Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)

King County Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)
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Phone Number(s)
(206) 263-9000
Address Line 1
Behavioral Health and Recovery Division (BHRD) 401 5th Ave.
Address Line 2
Suite 500
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Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) for Medicaid-eligible youth:
WISe is a voluntary service that uses a team approach to meet a child/youth's needs. It provides intensive mental health services to support youth and their family to meet their goals. The focus of WISe is:

To provide intensive mental health services designed to assist children, youth, and their families in achieving wellness, safety, and to strengthen relationships within their community.
To develop an individualized care plan, based on strengths and needs that respect their family culture, norms, and preferences.
Within the team approach, team members include natural supports (such as family, friends, and religious leaders) and the professionals who work with the family (such as counselors, schools, CPS, and probation officers).
To offer services and supports in locations and at times that work best for children, youth, and families (including in the house or a public location of choice, and on evenings or weekends).
To identify or provide resources and supports for children, youth, and their families.
To provide help during a time of crisis.

MIDD (non-Medicaid) Wraparound

Wraparound is a team-based planning process for youth with complex needs and their families designed to help produce better outcomes for youth so that they can live in their homes and communities and realize their hopes and dreams.


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