Louise Harris, LMHC
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Louise Harris

s a skilled listener I have worked particularly with persons impacted by autism spectrum disorders. I use multitude treatment approaches to assess the needs of child, adolescent, family. Mental health symptoms like depression, anxiety, ADHD, and mood instability are closely monitored.  Assessments involve all available sources of information, doctors, schools, parent report. Complex systems coordination may be necessary. I have experience coordinating within multiple disciplines, sometimes referred to as wraparound service teams. Many times the family may need to learn of public sector assistance and have the best opportunity for help with the least restrictive alternative. My 15+ years of working with this population has prepared me to develop intensive behavioral interventions. I consult regularly with a team of specialists and make meaningful referrals as needed.
I also have training and provide Reflective Parenting. This is an evidence based intervention which is psychodynamic in nature.  Parents are taught the skill of metallization as they learn to “hold their child’s mind in their mind”. This reduces the distress cycle so often present in close relationships with a child on the spectrum. As distress is diminished behavior is improved!

***Please contact Louise Harris for insurance information***

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Not applicable/Not available
  • Louise Harris, LMHC


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