Master Peice’s Taekwondo

Master Peice’s Taekwondo
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Parkview Square Business Center 5421–196th St. SW. Ste. 7
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A lot of parents shudder in disbelief when their child mentions the word Karate or Martial Arts. Broken furniture, mangled brothers and sisters, and holes in the walls are usually the first images that pop into a parent’s head. Dispelling these myths and misunderstandings are generally the right place to begin when you first start inquiring about martial arts. Taekwondo is unique in athletics because it is a Total Learning style activity. Children learning Taekwondo begin practicing the basic skills that are the foundation of the sport. These skills, which help build their coordination and balance, let the children become active in their sport as they progress instead of just sitting on the bench. The discipline you see in our class often turns into self-discipline outside the class. Usually, when children first start Taekwondo, it’s the parents who love the discipline and the child is drawn by the fun and challenge of the martial art. A lot of parents, for example, notice subtle changes in their children’s school work, their self-control and patience with other children. Another benefit associated with our style of training is improved self-confidence. Any child can do Taekwondo and everyone improves their own abilities while learning to deal effectively with peers and adults. Athletic ability increases the longer a child takes lessons. As they do, the child’s overall coordinated movements soon turn into a knowledge of self-defense that can last a lifetime. Don’t be concerned if your child is a little nervous, or thinks the techniques look too difficult; they will be in class with other beginners just like themselves. The instructors will do everything possible to make sure this nervousness disappears as quickly as possible.


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