Neurological Vocational Services

Neurological Vocational Services
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(206) 744-9130
Address Line 1
Mailing Address: 325 Ninth Ave Box 359744 Seattle WA 98104
Address Line 2
Office: 401 Broadway Suite 2088
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Neurology Vocational Services Unit (NVSU) is housed within Harborview Medical Center and has been providing quality job applicants to companies in the Northwest since 1976. We truly believe that a successful job match benefits both the hiring company and the employee. To that end, we work hard to find and maintain successful job matches.

NVSU has been a long time local leader in matching its clients to the Puget Sound Business community’s employment needs. NVSU has been highly successful in this endeavor. Client populations served include individuals with epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, brain injury, stroke or other neurological conditions. Since our inception more than thirty years ago, we have assisted more than 2,500 people find and keep meaningful jobs.


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