North Mason School District No. 403
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Phone Number(s)
(360) 277-2111
Address Line 1
71 E. Campus Drive
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Contact Name
Cliff Huenergard, Special Services Director

The North Mason School District’s motto is “To Educate, Empower, and Inspire All Students.” Our stated goal is for all students to meet or exceed high academic standards by acquiring the knowledge and skills essential for success on state and national assessments, in post-secondary education, the world of work, and citizenship. The motto comes from our district’s strategic plan, developed with the participation of over one hundred community members and many staff. While the motto is simple to remember, it is an enormously difficult task.
In response to our community’s vision, we are working to improve student performance in core subjects while protecting our liberal arts values of educating “the whole child.” We are finding ways to increase services to students and families while being conservative stewards of taxpayer money. Staff members are helping students master a much stronger set of basic skills as well as becoming independent, complex thinkers able to keep up with a dynamic world. In North Mason, we have many positive efforts already in place or underway. More improvement is necessary. This will not be easy.

Funding Sources
Not applicable/Not available


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