Northwest ADA Center
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(800) 949-4232

The Northwest ADA Center is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), and is part of the ADA National Network (link is external). The ADA National Network Centers are a national platform of ten centers comprised of ADA professionals and experts charged with assisting businesses, state and local governments, and people with disabilities as they manage the process of changing our culture to be user friendly to disability and the effect the variety of health conditions can have on society.

The Northwest ADA Center is a part of the Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation (link is external) (CCER) within the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine (link is external) at the University of Washington, and collaborates with the Center for Technology and Disability Studies (link is external) (CTDS), an interdisciplinary program within the Center for Human Development and Disability and the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine in the School of Medicine.

As the ADA Information Center in Region 10, the Northwest ADA Center has aggressively staffed its project with professionals familiar with disability, rehabilitation, rehab engineering, special education, the built environment, accessibility to buildings and electronic accessibility, civil rights law, and business. The regional advisory committee and our state partners are premier leaders in ADA compliance in each of the states served--Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Training on all aspects of the ADA is one of the major priorities of the Northwest ADA Center. We also provide site surveys of your facility, large or small, by request. This can assist in determining the accessibility of the building. Northwest ADA Center staff can provide compliance assessments of your facility, large or small. This can assist in determining the accessibility of the building.


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