Pathway to Communication

We schedule appointments between the hours of 8-6 Monday through Friday, and 9-1 on Saturdays. We are not always able to answer the phone during the day, so please leave us a message and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Pathway to Communication
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Address Line 1
11415 NE 128th St
Address Line 2
Suite 10
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Contact Name
Darcy Kelley

We cannot make a child fit us; we must fit the child.To achieve this, our unique group of highly and diversely trained clinicians establishes and builds a great deal of interaction and trust between each child and their family. Our approach involves integrating creative treatment methods into each interaction with each child. We strive for excellence in what we do and welcome questions, phone interviews, and reviews of our post graduate education and certifications (e.g. PROMPT, NDT, Hanen Training, etc.).

Funding Sources
Private Insurance


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