Rock Therapeutic Services

Rock Therapeutic Services provides a comprehensive list of speech therapy services.
Rock Therapeutic Services
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Phone Number(s)
Address Line 1
Suite B101
Address Line 2
22443 SE 240th St.
Maple Valley
State Abbreviation
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Contact Name
Todd Storch, Office Manager

We provide the following services:

Evaluation of infants & children using formal & informal assessment tools
Comprehensive treatment plans
Parent training & support as an integral part of the therapy program
Individual speech-language therapy
Small group speech-language therapy
Independent evaluations
IEP team consultations
In-home speech/language stimulation services
Pre-speech & Feeding skills, swallowing
Social Skills Group Training
Developmental Play Groups
Parent Support Groups
Parent Education and Training
Intensive specialized summer programs (icommunicate)

We have had extensive continuing education to include the following specialty areas:

P.R.O.M.P.T. (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets) Level 1 trained
Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol
RDI (Relationship Development Intervention)
DIR Floortime
Social Skills/Social Thinking (including coursework by Michelle Garcia Winner)
Advanced PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) training
Alternative and Augmentative Communication Devices
In the process of obtaining certification in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
Verbal Behavior theory and techniques

Funding Sources
Private Insurance


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