Dr. Gary Stobbe, M.D.

Dr. Gary Stobbe, M.D.
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Phone Number(s)
Address Line 2
4909 25th Ave. NE.
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Contact Name
Seattle Children's Autism Center

Dr. Stobbe is a Board Certified Neurologist sub-specializing in the field of cognitive and behavioral neurology. Dr. Stobbe completed his neurology residency at UCLA in 1993. He has been practicing neurology in Washington State since then and joined the University of Washington School of Medicine faculty full time in 2008. Dr. Stobbe is currently Clinical Associate Professor with a dual appointment in the Departments of Neurology and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.

Funding Sources
Private Insurance, Medicaid


Dr. Stobbe is caring, compassionate and extremely knowledgeable. He works with the clients to determine what care and support works best for them individually and is open to new and non traditional approaches.

Denise Hotchkiss | September 14, 2020

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