Skagit County Community Services

A short-term, strength-based intervention program with an average of 12 sessions over a 3-4 month period.

Skagit County Community Services
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Developmental Disabilities
People with developmental disabilities and their families are valued citizens of Skagit County. The Developmental Disabilities program strives to promote individual worth, self-respect, and dignity such that each individual is valued as a contributing member of the community.

The Mental Health Program:

Represents Skagit County's interests in mental health services
Assures that a full continuum of mental health services is available to eligible consumers.
Maintains a county presence within the five county North Sound Mental Health Administration (NSMHA) to assure that Skagit
County receives appropriate resources, and
Manages the County's mental health program through the Skagit County Mental Health Advisory Board.

Functional Family Therapy
A short-term, strength-based intervention program with an average of 12 sessions over a 3-4 month period.

Funding Sources
Not applicable/Not available


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