South Kitsap School District No. 402
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Phone Number(s)
(360) 443-3625
Address Line 1
2150 Fircrest Dr SE.
Port Orchard
State Abbreviation
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Contact Name
Dolorita (Rita) Reandeau, Director

The Office of Special Education (OSE) provides support to enable staff to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities, and assure program compliance with local, state and federal standards.

The district welcomes public participation and input regarding the planning and operating of the district's special education program. Please contact Dolorita (Rita) Reandeau at (360) 443-3625 or
e-mail for further information.

The OSE is the administrative site for special education programs across the district and at all school sites. OSE houses the offices for the Special Education Leadership Staff, including the Director of Special Education, two Assistant Directors of Special Education, two Instructional Specialist for Special Education Programs, as well as an Early Childhood Coordinator and clerical support staff.

OSE serves as the home base for the district’s School Psychologists, Speech and Language Pathologists and Speech and Language Pathology Assistant, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant, Counselor for Behavioral Disabilities Programs, “OPTIONS” staff, and Preschool staff.

Section 504  
The district will provide a free appropriate public education to students with disabilities found eligible within the provision of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The district will educate students with disabilities with non-disabled students to the maximum extent appropriate. Instruction will be designed and provided through reasonable accommodations, aids, and services to meet the needs of students with disabilities as equally effective as the needs of students without disabilities. Section 504 also ensures that students with disabilities will be afforded protection from discrimination that may occur as a result of their disability.

§300.212 Public Information
The LEA must make available to parents of children with disabilities and to the general public all documents relating to the eligibility of the agency under Part B of the Act.

Please contact the Office of Special Education if you wish further information.
(360) 443-3625

Funding Sources
Not applicable/Not available


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