Special Education Advocacy

Special Education Advocacy
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Phone Number(s)
(206) 914-0975 OR (888) 881-5904
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Contact Name
Larry Davis (Non Attorney Advocate)

Simply, I am here to help you! I have been helping parents across the country, like you, navigate the school system, negotiating IEP & 504 Plan intervention, and consulting in complex casework, including behavior and Gifted Education, since 1998. Due to the “insiders perspective” as an experienced educator; special education director, behavior specialist, school administrator, gifted coordinator, and K-8 teacher, I have walked in the very same shoes as most of the team members across the table. As a result, the advocacy services provided are founded upon a deep understanding of the processes, behavior, child development, instruction, and ideally, a collaborative framework rather than conflict and adversarial relations. After doing this work for over 25 years, I have learned it’s best to navigate this path with as little residue as possible and do everything to support you through partnership.


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