Visible National Trust

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Birth to adults
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Address Line 1
100 Independence Drive
Address Line 2
Suite 7-775
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Contact Name
Eric Jorgensen

Headquarters in Massachusetts, Visible serves all 50 states and DC. Visible National Trust is a one-stop, best-in-class solution for disability financial planning that includes all special needs trust services from account opening to paying bills. Visible seamlessly integrates with families’ comprehensive financial and wealth management plans and maintains families’ long-term commitment to providing resources for the care and well-being of their loved ones.

With Visible National Trust, funds set aside for care do not interfere with benefit eligibility, now or later. As an institution, Visible relieves family members and friends of the responsibility they may have taken as trustee or trust protector, and returns them to their important roles as loved ones.

Families can add funds to trust accounts anytime and in any amount. Account information and tools are available online, keeping everyone in the loop. Reach out anytime for more information.

Funding Sources
Private Pay Only
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