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Gala 2023MORE INFO

Your action needed by July 9th - SB 6552 - 24 Credit Graduation Requirements

The State Board of Education is accepting public comment on the rules for the College and Career Ready Diploma. This is an incredibly important moment for parents of students with special needs to provide feedback with a lens on access, parent involvement, transparency and flexibility with accountability.

You can submit online comments by emailing sbe@k12.wa.us. The public hearing will take place on July 9 in Spokane, WA.

You can access the proposed rules from the State Board of Education homepage: www.sbe.wa.gov

The following is a sample statement you can use or you can write your own comments. We encourage you to share personal stories and reasons this issue is important to you. Thank you for taking action on this issue!

Sample Statement:

Dear State Board of Education members,
Thank you for your work on the proposed rules for the implementation of the College and Career Ready Diploma. This work comes at an opportune time as the US Department of Education just listed Washington State as being in need of assistance for improving outcomes for students in special education. Improving outcomes for these valuable students starts with promoting high expectations for ALL students. We recognize that in addition to high expectations we must also ensure our education system operates in such a way to minimize the impact a students disability has on their education. Access to general education and curriculum, appropriate supports, accommodations and universally designed systems will minimize the impact a student's disability has on their education. It is incredibly important that Washington's diploma has explicit and well-understood meaning to all students, their families, future employers and post secondary institutions. With that in mind I offer the following suggestions:

1. Limit waiving of credits that would impact the value of the college and career ready diploma. For any waivers, require a parent or guardian signature. By requiring a signature you provide a safeguard to ensure a student and their parent or guardian understands the impact waiving the required credit may have on the student's post school opportunities.

2. Reinforce that all students, including those in special education have a high school and beyond plan. A parent should be required to sign off on the high school and beyond plan. In some limited circumstances, a students IEP and transition plan will be an appropriate substitution for a high school and beyond plan. It is important that a parent is included in that decision and signs a document providing consent and understanding. Often students in special education are tracked early on a path that can have lasting impact on their postsecondary education opportunities, employability and earning potential. We must safeguard against these students becoming disconnected from valuable guidance and services in place for general education students.

3. Develop a parent friendly information document clearly detailing decision criteria used in waiving credits and/or pursuing a different type of diplomas. It should be clear how postsecondary institutions and employers might view these changes to Washington's College and Career Ready Diploma.

Thank you for your consideration and for the work you do for all students in Washington State.

On behalf of Bellevue Special Needs PTA | P.O. Box 835 | Bellevue | WA | 98009

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