The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and WAC 392-172A, along with related RCW, require school districts to provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for students with disabilities ages 3-21, and for OSPI to ensure that provision of FAPE through general supervisory authority, including the use of monitoring, dispute resolution, technical assistance, and corrective action, if needed. The Provision of Services to Students with Disabilities During COVID-19 in Summer and Fall 2020 is provided in the format of technical assistance for school districts and is not intended to reduce the general supervision responsibilities of the OSPI but does reflect the opportunities for districts to make local decisions, provided they maintain compliance with IDEA and WAC 392-172A.
If you have questions, please contact Glenna Gallo, Assistant Superintendent of Special Education, at 360-725-6075 or