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Volunteer Spotlight: Ron Paige

Ron Paige is a quiet, unassuming man. He works behind the scenes for the Washington Autism Alliance (WAA), maintaining our extensive resource directory and producing our internal fundraising and outreach report every week. His volunteer work is motivated by his deep desire to give back to the community in his retirement. 

Surprisingly, Ron did not have any connection to the autism community before he started to volunteer at WAA. Volunteering here has given him a deep appreciation for the diversity that individuals on the spectrum bring to our society, as well as the vital importance of WAA’s work. 

“Volunteering at WAA during the past 18 months has given me the opportunity to work with many regular staff and several other volunteers who have family members diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD),” Ron says. 

“Without exception, I have been impressed by our organization’s expertise and its unwavering commitment to providing legal, educational and emotional support to the Autism community. It has been a privilege to work at WAA and contribute to its mission,” he adds.

Born and raised in Ohio, Ron has been a Washington State resident since 1975 with his wife of 53 years. He has an extensive background in information technology, with a history of work in the private sector and for the federal government. In his spare time, he enjoys reading articles and novels in Spanish and German, and exploring the great outdoors with his family, including his two adult children and two grandchildren. Volunteers like Ron Paige are vital to our mission at WAA. If you would like to volunteer for WAA, please contact us at info@washingtonautismadvocacy.org.

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