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Senator Bob Casey's ABLE Match Act

Senator Bob Casey, US Senator for Pennsylvania, has been a longtime advocate of ensuring people with disabilities have the same opportunities and access as everyone else. “As the lead sponsor of the ABLE Act, passed in 2014, Senator Casey has long been a champion of ABLE accounts. He introduced the ABLE Age Adjustment Act to extend the eligibility of ABLE accounts from those who acquired their disability before the age of 26 to the age of 46. At an Aging Committee field hearing in August 2022, Senator Casey uplifted the success of the ABLE program and pushed for his bill to expand the program to 6.2 million additional Americans, including more than one million veterans. Senator Casey’s bill passed in December 2022 and takes effect in 2026.”  

Currently he has a new proposal, the ABLE Match Act, that would help people with lower incomes participate in the ABLE program by creating a federal dollar-for-dollar match for new and existing ABLE accounts held by individuals that make $28,000 annually or less by matching up to $2,000.  

“There are still too many people whose lives would be made easier by the program, but don’t have sufficient funds to open an account,” Sen. Casey stated in a news release. “The ABLE MATCH Act will make it easier for low-income people with disabilities to access the ABLE program, and get the benefits they need and deserve.”

The ABLE Match Act would finally give low-income people with disabilities an opportunity to build up a savings account to assist them with their everyday needs.  To learn more about Senator Casey’s proposal (ABLE Match Act) or the Washington ABLE Savings Account, click here:

Washington State ABLE Savings Plan

Senator Casey's ABLE Match Act Proposal

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