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Faking Normal - What we once loved we can never lose!

Faking Normal is a series written by WAAA friend and guest blogger Jamie Aten, an adult on the autism spectrum. I consider myself very fortunate to have known Jamie and was deeply saddened to hear of her passing last night.


Jamie volunteered alongside us at WAAA for several years, and in so many roles, starting with training our staff on social security rules.




As a bright attorney, a terrific writer, an animal lover, and a compassionate friend of the autism community, Jamie will be deeply missed. What I will cherish about Jamie is our conversations, Jamie trusting me with her friendship, her impeccable taste and sense of style and I could go on and on.



For all of you out there who knew and loved Jamie, you were so lucky to have had her in your lives, for those of you who didn't, her  articles can be found here.


She's the kind of person who never forgot your birthday and sent you the most adorable card!





The last time Jamie and I had coffee, she was dressed impeccably, as usual, and looked so happy! Happy about her job, her co-workers, her cat, her sister, her parents, her life! I'm so glad we had this time together Jamie! You're the only other adult I know who got as excited about Halloween as I do!


"What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply become a part of us!" ~ Helen Keller




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