Team Matty

Our family is raising funds to help Washington Autism Alliance (WAA). Join our walk and help spread awareness, bring hope and support all our superheroes.

60.00% Raised
$300.00 donated of $500.00 goal
3 Donors
Campaign has ended

¡Hola! My name is Liz and Matty is our super hero who was diagnosed with autism when he was 4 years old, he is the most courageous, compassionate and loving hero. His smile is packed with everlasting life, when he hugs you he makes you feel unique and loved, when he laughs you laugh because the joy he gives is contagious. That’s such a beautiful power. His superpower is happiness wrapped in love.

As you know, April is World Autism Acceptance month, during this month we salute all the superheroes across the spectrum. Everyday in their own super power ways, they communicate their love to the people around them. In many ways they are here to take care of us, because they show us to appreciate all there is to truly love about life. 

This year Washington Autism Alliance (WAA) is returning back to an in-person event with kid fun activities and entertainment, 3K walk to raise community support and awareness, and informational booths providing valuable resources for families and individuals with ASD. We are very excited and look forward in seeing you and your supporters there! 

WAA Day Out for Autism  – Saturday, April 30, 10-2 at Juanita High School, in Kirkland

My involvement with WAA: 

My 8-year-old son Matty is on the autism spectrum. From the time we received his diagnosis we have been advocating for his rights and the autism community around us. The opportunity to chair the 2022 Day Out for Autism event sounded like the perfect match for me. I’ve been collaborating with amazing people that share my love of building a support system and advocating for the autism community. What a great opportunity this is to give back to WAA, which has changed so many lives through philanthropy and love. This event will offer so many connections and resources to the autism community. 

You can get involved too! Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or to learn more on how to support WAA’s event. 

¡Gracias por ayudar! Thanks for your help! 

Liz Smith – WAA Advocate

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