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Olympia Highlights Of The Week

Legislative successes of the week:
Arzu Forough Testifying on the ParaEducator Training BillThe Para Educator Training Bill sponsored by Sen. Andy Hill and Rep. Bergquist is making its way through the legislative process. The result would be better training and a career path for para-educators who deliver 52% of all instruction to special education students.  Please click here learn more about this bill.
WAAA seclusion & restraint statement
We avoided yet another problematic public policy on the seclusion and restraints in schools. A bill was introduced that would have repealed actual notices re: adoption of aversive plans (restraints and seclusion) given to parents during IEP meeting & 504 plans, but instead would have posted notices online. WAAA contacted all sponsors and members of the House Education Committee with our position statement & testimony and asked for an amendment. The House Education Committee adopted our proposed amendment that addresses our concerns. School districts will provide policies on seclusion and restraint in multiple ways, including retaining the provision to provide a written copy at the IEP or 504 conference as well as having policies available electronically.

Senator Andy Hillproposal from Sen. Andy Hill would provide services to thousands of people currently on a waiting list. The result would be respite care and supported employment for an additional 5,000 people and their families without costing the state additional money.

“Finding ways to prioritize and provide care for individuals with developmental disabilities is of great importance to our entire state,” said Hill, of Redmond, who serves as chairman of the Senate Ways and Means Committee. “For decades people have been waiting to access programs that help them remain with their families and be involved in the community. As a budget writer, being able to do this without an additional cost to the state is a win-win.

Thank you for standing together with us for change, our collective voices make a difference.  If you support legislative advocacy that improves education and services for people with autism, please consider donating to Washington Autism Alliance and Advocacy.
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