Benoliel Speech and Language

Benoliel Speech and Language
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Phone Number(s)
(425) 646-5140
Address Line 1
1911 – 116th Avenue NE
Address Line 2
Suite 100
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Providing assessment and treatment of communication delays and disorders associated with:

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), Asperger’s syndrome, nonverbal learning disorder
Social language skills – pragmatics, conversation skills, nonverbal communication
Receptive and expressive language – language comprehension and language formulation
Language processing
Specific language impairment
Phonology and phonemic awareness
Motor speech disorders including childhood apraxia of speech
Fluency / stuttering
Tongue thrust
Language based learning disabilities – reading, writing, spelling
Down’s syndrome
Hearing impairment
Neurogenic brain injury
Cleft palate
We are skilled in identifying and addressing the specific sensory processing needs of children and supporting those needs as they impact successful communication.

Funding Sources
Private Insurance


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