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Share Stories & Be an Ambassador for WAAA

Hello friends and families,

When your child or family member was first diagnosed with a developmental disability you were probably introduced to a world you never imagined, full of alien terms, unknown acronyms, and multiple bureaucracies to navigate. Navigating the healthcare, educational, insurance, DDA, felt like being in a maze. Since then, you have learned how to advocate for their needs in the therapies and services they are receiving, pursue services they may be eligible for now and in the future, and speak up about your experiences to spread awareness and understanding.

In short, you became an advocate for your child.

We at Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy (WAAA) want to build on your advocacy and amplify your voice as we work with our civic partners in city, county, and statewide government to champion policies and funding that advance health equity and social justice for individuals and families impacted by autism and developmental disabilities. Your personal stories transform our message and give policymakers a better understanding of both the challenges and joys of raising a child with developmental disabilities.

Your stories may range from your personal experiences accessing therapies and programs, navigating insurance, the complexities of co-occurring conditions, or how WAAA has supported you and your family. These stories may be funny, inspiring, heartbreaking, frustrating, or even ordinary. But they will all be real stories, from real families.

Are you interested in contributing and sharing your story? If so, please email us at admin@washingtonautismadvocacy.org or by phone at 425-894-7231 with stories and pictures you would like to share.

Sharing Stories with WAAA!!

Take it one step further - Become an Ambassador!

An Ambassador is an individual who wants to engage directly with their public officials on autism and developmental disability issues. When WAAA staff meet with lawmakers, we often connect via phone or in person with Ambassadors from that member’s district. We arm our Ambassadors with talking points and advice on how to turn experiences into a concise and clear message that can be shared within a quick conversation with a policymaker.

Our goal is to have multiple Ambassadors from each of Washington’s 49 districts to have greater diversity in the experiences shared. The job of our political leaders is to do the will of the people, and they can only do that when they hear from us!

Anyone can be an Ambassador, regardless of your experience, and together we can work towards equity for people with autism and developmental disabilities. If you are interested, please contact us at admin@washingtonautismadvocacy.org or by phone at 425-894-7231.

We at Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy (WAAA) want to build on your advocacy and amplify your voice as we work with our civic partners in city, county, and statewide government to champion policies and funding that advance health equity and social justice for individuals and families impacted by autism and developmental disabilities. Your personal stories transform our message and give policymakers a better understanding of both the challenges and joys of raising a child with developmental disabilities.

Working together, we can raise awareness and inform lawmakers about what the best practices and policies look like, based on your experiences.

Thank you for your consideration to speak up on behalf of families impacted by autism and developmental disabilities.

Warm Regards,

Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.” - Dr. Seuss

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