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Volunteer Spotlight

Trish Thrush has two wonderful children with many spectacular gifts as well as unique challenges. Her daughter Lina is eight and has high function Autism and ADHD. Her son Devin is two,  undergoing screening for Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD and has sensory difficulties.

Faced with a shortage of expertise in autism screening and diagnosis “Lina was diagnosed at age six after years of struggling to find a doctor who would understand behind her high verbal skills was a child with major social and sensory and motor deficits. Shortly after her diagnosis we discovered at age seven she would lose all coverage for Autism related therapy.

Fortunately we connected with Arzu and the Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy (WAAA). Lina is doing much better now with some lovely therapists and in a new school district. We’ve recently won an appeal to overturn the denials of Lina’s insurance benefits. We couldn’t be more pleased with her progress.”

Trish has been volunteering with WAAA since 2012.  In November she joined us as a Family Resource & Advocacy coordinator for N. King, Snohomish and Skagit counties.  Trish serves as a point of contact in helping parents with emotional support, guidance for complex autism needs, assistance to access services, providers and connects families to WAAA family supports network of other caring mentors.

Trish has a passion for lifelong learning and improving outcomes for adults on the spectrum.  She supports adults on the spectrum statewide get connected to social, therapeutic and employment resources.  No matter where our members have been in their journey with autism, Trish has been here for them to ensure they don’t feel alone and empowers them with tools to succeed in their own communities.

Trish continues to forge personal relationships with a number of families and self advocates statewide, creating a sense of camaraderie, which contributes to our statewide advocacy projects’ overall success.

“The families, self-advocates and I have built a community in WAAA, which I feel is important because now I’m helping friends.” Trish can be reached via email Trish@WashingtonAutismAdvocacy.org or by phone (360 630 7742).

“Please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.”



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