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Gala 2023MORE INFO

Big (GREAT) news for federal employees!

Beginning in 2017, all insurance carriers participating in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program must cover a popular therapy for children with some form of autism, according to the Office of Personnel Management. Since 2013, FEHBP insurance carriers have had the option of covering applied behavior analysis, or ABA, as a medical benefit for enrollees’ children with disorders on the autism spectrum. OPM told FEHBP providers in a Feb. 26 letter that for the 2017 plan year they “may no longer exclude ABA” as a treatment for ASD kids. “We expect all carriers to offer clinically appropriate and medically necessary treatment for children diagnosed with ASD".  For more information view attached letter or call WAAA parent partners @ 425.894.231.

FEHB Program ABA Program Carrier Letter



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