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Gala 2023MORE INFO

Enhanced Behavior Support Homes (EBSH) supported by the Senate

Thanks to unwavering efforts by co-advocates around our state, the Senate budget includes language focusing on the Enhanced Behavior Support Homes (EBSH) model for the Developmental Disabilities community. Using such language marks a significant step forward for the future success of the EBSH model. The continued hard work and dedication of all involved in this initiative are helping ensure that the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities are efficiently addressed.  The Senate budget came out today, and the proviso is listed on page 120 of the PDF, line 29. It can be found here and is pasted below.

In light of this significant development, we encourage you to thank

the legislators serving on the Senate Ways & Means Committee for their unwavering support in this critical matter. Their names and contact information can be accessed through the provided link here. Please Ask them to please find a way to ensure that the following individuals are included in the workgroup responsible for implementing this work:

  • Legal guardians of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who require enhanced services and support due to challenging behaviors who are at risk of institutionalization or out-of-state placement or are transitioning to the community from an intermediate care facility, hospital, or other state-operated residential facilities
  • Supported Living agencies that employ Board Certified Behavior Analysts

This will help ensure that the Department remains focused on the critical components, such as DOH-licensed intensive behavior support providers and coordination of services that the federal government requires in an intermediate care facility. Not prioritizing these essential aspects often destabilizes the target population and crisis-driven placements. By championing these vital resources, we can better support individuals with developmental disabilities and their families and promote a more inclusive and equitable society.

As always, we couldn't do this work without you and are grateful to you for your tireless advocacy.

All my best,

Arzu Forough

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