Due to the high volume of calls, we're experiencing a higher-than-usual backlog.

We appreciate your patience. In the meantime, please refer to our Resource Directory, Special Education Legal Library, or Insurance Portal as needed on our website while you're waiting

Gala 2023MORE INFO

Our Impact

The 3 Levels of Our Targeted Approach

3 Tier Targeted Approach


Provide direct legal services to ensure health benefits and education services so families can thrive today.


Targeted advocacy training to improve healthcare and education institution responses so that families can self-advocate and partner with institutions for solutions.


Advocate for system-wide reform to achieve long-term and far reaching impact.

Balanced Programs

Helping Families Today

Social Support, Family Navigation 
& Self-Advocacy
Advocavy and Legal Services
Resources for Lawyers & Advocates
Healthcare & Education Access

Fixing Systems for the Future

Policy Advocacy
Legal Action
Training to Increase Legal Capacity
Primary Care & Behavioral
Health Training Initiatives
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