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Blog Archive 2013

Community Champions

Community Champions highlight businesses, groups, programs etc. within local communities that are inclusive of individuals with an autism spectrum disorder. WAAA would like to give a special thank you to this community champion: Kim's Taekwon Do and Master Nancy Hull in Chehalis, WA.   To read the full PDF please click on the embedded PDF reader below.  You can […]

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Access, Opportunity and Equity for Special Education

Youth w Disabilities - Dept of Labor wants input  Students with disabilities are less likely to receive a regular high school diploma; twice as likely to drop out of school; and half as likely to enroll in and complete postsecondary education programs. WSPTA's platform this year includes equity, access and opportunity for special education students<http://wsptalegassembly.blogspot.com/2012/09/access-opportunity-and-equity-for.html […]

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Insurance Update - Licensed ABA Agencies

For a list of agencies licensed through Department of Behavioral Health & Recovery of DSHS, eligible to be contracted for medically necessary ABA services by Uniform Medical Plan and  Medicaid please contact info@WashingtonAutismAdvocacy.org    If you are an agency and interested in status of your pending staff licensure as agency affiliated counselors please visit:  https://fortress.wa.gov/doh/providercredentialsearch/SearchCriteria.aspx […]

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Applied Behavior Analysis and Private Insurance

Accessing Applied Behavior Analysis through Private Insurance Recent advocacy efforts may have made it possible to access medically necessary Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) through your private insurance. Each insurance company has a different process for accessing benefits. To find out how to begin ABA therapy that has been prescribed for your child you can call […]

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