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Blog Archive 2013

Walmart agrees to cover autism treatment in lawsuit settlement

A family here in Northern Virginia recently had to undergo a massive legal battle with Walmart over their health benefit plan. Walmart refused to pay for applied behavioral analysis therapy for the family’s autistic child, despite paying for it in the past and having the coverage outlined in their package. After a lawsuit was filed […]

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A uniquely human condition

In an attempt to better understand noninherited autism on the small scale of brain chemistry, a group of UW researchers developed a novel plan to conduct brain scans on children from early childhood to their teenaged years. Although the causes of noninherited autism remain unknown, the study was able to see how autism affects the […]

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Autism Four Times Likelier When Mother's Thyroid Is Weakened

Aug. 13, 2013 — Pregnant women who don't make nearly enough thyroid hormone are nearly 4 times likelier to produce autistic children than healthy women, report scientists from the Houston Methodist Neurological Institute and Erasmus Medical Centre in an upcoming Annals of Neurology. The association emerged from a study of more than 4,000 Dutch mothers and their […]

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Grant Applications toolkit

You may be considering applying for a Grant. Before you do you might review the information you should not give out and how to protect your and your loved ones identity. Do not be intimidated when applying for any type of assistance. If you feel suspicious ask questions. If you still feel suspicious don’t apply. […]

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