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Blog Archive 2014

Gift of Time = Day of Fun

  Meet Wolfie, one of the teens who attended our Spectrum Respite and Recreation event in October. Wolfie is 17 years old. He has autism and epilepsy. His mom Amy describes Wolfie as a pretty happy kid who loves to swing, swim, watch movies, rock in his recliner, go out to dinner, shoot hoops, visit the […]

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Faking Normal: Who’s the Guy in the Hat?

This is the second installment of Faking Normal, a series by  J., an adult with Autism who hopes to demystify Autism and help readers understand themselves or their children better. One of the things most fascinating to me about Autism is that there are so many facets to it, and no two people have exactly […]

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Your vote and voice matters! Give 5 minutes a day for change!

Today is Election Day and if you don't have enough reasons to go out and vote, please keep reading. With the Affordable Care Act transition and the critical support from the Washington State Legislature, 2015 will be our most significant year yet. Many of us may not realize the real and tangible benefits that are […]

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To Siri, With Love -How One Boy With Autism Became BFF With Apple’s Siri

Just how bad a mother am I? I wondered, as I watched my 13-year-old son deep in conversation with Siri. Gus has autism, and Siri, Apple’s “intelligent personal assistant” on the iPhone, is currently his BFF. Obsessed with weather formations, Gus had spent the hour parsing the difference between isolated and scattered thunderstorms — an […]

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